Renheqiao Fm
Type Locality and Naming
The name was proposed by Sun Yunzhu and Situ Suiqin in 1947. The type section is located at west of Renheqiao, 7 km northwest of the Shidian County seat, Yunnan Province.
Synonym: (仁和桥组); Jenhochiao Fm
Lithology and Thickness
The formation consists of gray, grayish black carbonaceous silty shale with marl lenses partings. It is over 252 m in thickness.
[Figure. The Laojianshan Section at Baoshan, Yunnan (Photography from Wang et al., 2020) A. the parallel unconformity between the Renheqiao Fm and its underlying Ordovician Pupiao Fm; B. the lithology of Renheqiao Fm]
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
The formation rests conformably onto the underlying Wanyaoshu Fm of Upper Ordovician.
Upper contact
The formation rests conformably below the overlying Lichaiba Fm
Regional extent
It is steady in lithology and is widely exposed in western Yunnan Province in the exposed thickness ranging from 49-457 m.
It yields rich graptolites, in ascending order namely being: the Glyptograptus persculptus zone, the Parakidograptus-Diplograptus modestus zone, the Orthograptus vesiculosus zone, the Pristiograptus cyphus-Pristiograptus leei zone, the Demirastrites triangulates-Pristiograptus gregarias zone, the Demerastrites convolutes zone, the Monograptus sedgwickii zone, the Spirograptus turriculatus zone, the Monograptus crispus zone, the Monoclimacis griestoniensis zone and the Oktavites spiralis zone.
Depositional setting
Additional Information